We certainly think so. This new infographic report from Marketo certainly paints a convincing picture. Content marketing budgets are growing; over the next 12 months, 51% of companies will increase the budget for these programs. So what are the top reasons companies using content marketing, according to Marketo? Risk mitigation Lead generation Lead nurturing Lead… More »
Google AdWords: The Zen Moment When Your Messaging Hits the Road
We’ve often joked that you know your messaging is tight when you can get it all into a Google Ad. Seriously. With a 25-character headline, and two 35-character description lines, crafting a great on-message Google Ad is a Zen-like exercise in branding elegance. This is often where we find out how “tight” the messaging is,… More »
Is Your Website Sticky or Slippery?
One of the nice things about having been working in the web world since the mid-90s (I came out of the science world so we were “playing” with the web before it became a big popular thing), I’ve seen a lot of trends and changes. Always interesting to see how things change. Five or so… More »
Three Easy Steps for Raising Your Google AdWords Quality Score
There is a lot of blather about creating quality Google AdWord campaigns and increasing your Quality Score, but it’s really a very simple formula: Target Keyword + Repeat Target Keyword in the Ad + Repeat Target Keyword on your Landing Page = High Quality Score So in the example we had in the prior blog… More »
Do You Know Your Quality Score and How It Affects Your Google AdWords?
Did you know that a poorly executed Google AdWords campaign will make your ads more expensive and less frequent? Yup. Google has a logical system to track and rate the quality of any advertisers campaign. It’s called a “Quality Score.” This makes perfect sense from a user experience perspective. Google is in the business of… More »
Quick Tips to Prepare for the March 30 Facebook Timeline Deadline
With the March 30 deadline looming for the Facebook transition to the new Timelime format for brands, there is much to learn. Here’s another great article on some of the key new features and how to best take advantage of them: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/7-new-facebook-changes-impacting-businesses/ I particularly like Tip #4 about the new application display format and how… More »
Facebook Timeline for Brands: Big Changes
We have gotten lots of questions over the last week about the new Timeline format for brands, which will become mandatory by March 31. It’s definitely a big change in the way your brand page looks. If you’ve already converted over to the new timeline format on your personal page, it will be a bit… More »
Introducing Ready, Set, Launch!: Our New Quick Start Launch Program
Do you need to get your new venture launched very quickly and with a fixed cost? Do you need a soup to nuts identity (logo, stationery designs and a slick website)? Not sure it can be done in your crazy short timeframe? Then consider our fixed-scope, fixed-fee quick start launch program, Ready, Set, Launch! We… More »
Pinterest Is Building a Social Circle of Love
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Pinterest is definitely a place of love. And I expect that will continue for some time as we are highly visual creatures. It’s in our nature. (BTW, I think, as an evolutionary biologist by training, this is one of the main reasons why Facebook is much more successful than Twitter and… More »
Drinking Our Own Medicine Is Painful
For the last several months, I’ve been running ThinkResults Marketing through our own full relaunch process and it’s been a humbling experience. When we’re working with clients through a launch process, we are fully prepared for emotional reactions, for them to take longer to move through the plan than they expect, and for there to… More »
What Kind of Social Media User Are You?
A recent talk by the CEO from Forrester reported that “Americans are spending more time on social media than volunteering, praying, talking on the phone, emailing, or even exercising.” I think it’s also true that 2012 will be the year that B2B gets on board with social media as part of their marketing strategy (for… More »
Mobile App Video
LEAP Commerce needed a video to explain its ground-breaking new app, Best Decision, which combines the features of some existing apps with a new social edge that hasn’t been done before. And they needed a walk-through to explain how the app would work – before the app was actually complete. This video is a result… More »
PurThread Logo Revision
As part of the name change from ProtectStyle to PurThread, PurThread wanted to revamp its logo, keeping the needle and thread (reminiscent of the rod of Asclepius, the symbol of medicine) and the color palette. The new logo did exactly that and we positioned the needle and thread to subtly suggest the “E” after “Pur”… More »
UEVision Brand DNA
UEVision needed a way to tie their marketing and sales campaigns together and develop a coherent, sticky message. A strong bold message was required to make them stand out from the crowd. ThinkResults Marketing worked with the UEVision team to develop their unique Brand DNA Blueprint, which has served as their foundation for many years… More »
Hara Customer Video
Hara, a rapidly growing leader in the energy management space, needed some videos to do some show and tell of some of the amazing success stories their customers had achieved. What better medium than video for such stories? ThinkResults Marketing completed a series of customer videos for Hara during a customer summit. The CEO at… More »
PurThread Website (Ready, Set, Launch!)
This site (www.purthread.com) was originally designed very quickly in WordPress (took just a couple of weeks) to enable the new CEO to launch an aggressive private funding round. The site has since expanded quite significantly with the new funding and dramatic press attention. PurThread sees a steady stream of well-qualified leads coming through the site,… More »
PurThread Awareness Campaign
To prepare for the initial launch of PurThread products into the market, we launched a press campaign designed to raise awareness about the role of soft surfaces (privacy curtains in particular) in healthcare acquired infections. The story was picked internationally in nearly 80 outlets including Fox Radio, CBS, AOL, and Huffington Post, Reuters, Time magazine,… More »
Westchester Partners (Ready, Set, Launch!)
Westchester Partners needed an efficient process to give them a site that matched their level of professionalism. This Midwest consulting firm offers two seemingly distinct service lines: management consulting and PeopleSoft consulting expertise. What ties those together is the Westchester Partners approach to client work, which is based on customer success, value, experience, focus and… More »