So, you’ve decided to have a … company. One of the first (of many) decisions is what to name it, right? This is an important, and often emotional, decision that is no less crucial than naming a baby. The big difference is that there can be more than one Brittany or Jennifer in a group… More »
Persona Profiles: Defining Your Target Audience Is Your First Step
In response to the ever-increasing pressure to deliver ROI immediately, marketers (and founders) often skip over the important strategic step of defining their target customer. There just doesn’t seem to be time to invest in this, especially in startup or launch mode. Before you even start developing your positioning, you need to clearly articulate who… More »
Ready to Launch? Four Simple Questions to Ask Before Launching Your Product
Before you jump off the deep end and launch your new product, let’s check in on a few simple questions you can ask to make sure the product is indeed ready for prime time. Don’t have the time to read the entire post? Listen to the podcast version: There’s a popular saying here in Silicon… More »
Case Study: How to Drive Triple-Digit Increases in Social Media Reach and Engagement
One of our clients, Lazarex Cancer Foundation, a nonprofit that improves patient access to cancer clinical trials, was having some success with their social media but wanted it to be a much stronger part of their marketing mix. Before working with the ThinkResults team, social media was a part-time focus for the communications director. It… More »
Content Marketing Made Easy: How to Create 50+ Quality Pieces of Content in a Snap
Content marketing can be hard work. Especially long-form content creation such as whitepapers, podium presentations, keynotes and books. Here are our tips on how to create quality pieces of content in a snap!
Leaders Network Retreat Provides Insights and Connections to Fuel Business Growth
“In order to understand the world, one has to turn away from it on occasion.” – Albert Camus Turning away from the day-to-day busy-ness of running your business is critical to remembering why you started it and what you need to do to propel it forward. I am huge believer in regular and focused retreats… More »
Defensive Domain Strategy: Don’t Be Like Donald
An oft-overlooked piece of developing your online presence is your domain strategy – and your defensive domain strategy. Just ask Donald Trump. Although the Trump Organization apparently owns 3,643 domain names, the strategy did not include buying and that omission has come to haunt him recently. Don’t have the time to read the entire… More »
How to get up to 111% growth rates? Check your marketing budget.
“How much should I be spending on marketing?” That is a very important and common question we hear at ThinkResults. Traditional guidelines indicated that about 10% of revenue should be spent on marketing for the average B2B company. Some interesting research on what successful companies actually spend on sales and marketing looks a bit different though…. More »
The Gig Economy Is Here to Stay: Navigating the New, Scalable Worker Model
On Tuesday, March 29, 2016, I was honored to be part of a great panel, graciously hosted by the German American Business Association, discussing the role of the independent contractor in the new economy. American businesses face several challenges in implementing either an independent contractor (1099) or employee (W-2) in the United States. The panel… More »
Four Productivity Tools I Can’t Live Without
With Labor Day behind us, it’s now officially the start of the New Year IMHO. And in honor of my grandpa who was a coalminer and then became head of the Steelworkers Union in Ontario, Canada, I’m sharing my favorite tools — for the collective good. These are my most favorite productivity tools. Try them… More »
The Tale of Two Products: Why Knowing Your Customers is Job #1
During my recent family summer vacation, I ran across two very different consumer packaged goods (CPG) summer promotions, one a very effective marketing strategy and execution and one I’m quite sure will not drive significant results. As a tech marketer, I have deep respect for my CPG colleagues because they have access to huge amounts of… More »