Your logo is a like a delicate prima donna — one that delivers every time. If you treat your logo with the respect and care it deserves.
You spent time, money and energy developing this critical corporate asset. From building signs to business cards to websites and tradeshow booths is often the first visual impression people have of your company.
So go ahead, complain about its high maintenance nature. You’ll feel better after venting. Just remember that like any superstar, it’s a high performance asset, and it will deliver tangible value to your business for years in the future.
Here are some basic guidelines to keep your relationship with your logo working smoothly and helping it perform at its peak:
- Your logo should have plenty of breathing room. Don’t crowd its “aura” against borders or edges. Logos need space to “do their thing.”
- Don’t camouflage your visual asset by putting your logo on a background pattern/image. It should exist on a solid background so it can relax into the space well.
- Don’t try to use it as text in sentence or try to recreate the logo font as text. When you want to include a logo in a document, use the official logo files. Logos can be prima donnas and not play well with others. That is the value of a strong logo.
- Use the black and white version for placing on dark backgrounds. Again, logos perform best when they can stand out.
- Don’t twist or stretch your logo. They can be very delicate creatures.
- Don’t use the logo at such a small size that it becomes unrecognizable (never less than 1.25″ in width). Like superstars, they live life best when they can play large.
- Use it everywhere you can. It’s highly social when treated well.
Now you know how to treat your superstar logo well. Go forth and prosper!
* Thanks to Kevin Heney, our Art Director, for contributing to this post and keepin’ it real, man!